Fondation de la Société québécoise d'hypertension artérielle

Photo de Pénélope P. et Océane P., 28 ans et 5 mois. L'hypertension de Pénélope a commencé lors de sa première grossesse.

Pénélope P. and Océane P.
28 years old and 5 months old

My story of high blood pressure began during my first pregnancy.

It was during an obstetrics appointment, for my pregnancy follow-up, that the doctor suspected something abnormal in my blood pressure. At 32 weeks, my pressure being high, I was sent for slightly more precise tests at the CHUS de Fleurimont, in Sherbrooke.

I was then diagnosed with preeclampsia. Anxious, and waiting for information, I had explanations from 5 or 6 doctors before understanding exactly what it was. My blood pressure was quite high, so I was hospitalized at 34 weeks, for a total of 2 weeks, including my delivery. I had daily monitoring to check my state of health, as well as that of my baby, accompanied by a group of professionals (nurses, medical interns and doctors) who were attentive and incredibly kind. I was given medication during my hospital stay to control my high blood pressure and continued this medication for a few days after returning home. Everything came back to normal afterwards.

After leaving the hospital, I talked to people around me and learned that more people than you think experience preeclampsia. Some have experienced it or others have known people around them, but it’s not something you hear a lot about. Which can be worrying when we learn that we have it, especially during a first pregnancy.

My daughter is in perfect health, full of curiosity and smiles, we couldn’t wish for better! Our little family is not finished, we would like to have other children eventually. We don’t know what the next pregnancy will bring, which can be worrying given that I’m more at risk of experiencing some of the same kind of situation again. We have more information now and we will continue to stay informed to keep our family healthy!