Fondation de la Société québécoise d'hypertension artérielle

Privacy Policy

Act 25
Manager for the protection of personal information
France Boulianne
On September 22, 2021, the National Assembly passed a bill modernizing the legislative provisions governing the protection of personal information. The aim of this modernization was to introduce a stricter regime, particularly in response to the high-profile confidentiality breaches of recent years.

In concrete terms, the practical impact of this reform is spread over a three-year period. Bill 25 will come into force gradually, with the first deadline being September 22, 2022.

As a public organization, SQHA has legal obligations to respect the privacy of its members and partners.
SQHA would like to thank the law firm McCarthy Tétrault for the pro bono mandate to draft its external privacy policy in connection with the coming into force of Bill 25.