Fondation de la Société québécoise d'hypertension artérielle

Photo d'Elena Pedicelli, 61 ans. Hypertension débutée dans la cinquantaine.

Elena P.
61 years old

My experience with high blood pressure began in my early 50s.

Being overweight and experiencing periods of stress, I began to experience rapid heartbeats while resting. Since I had a blood pressure monitor at home, I started recording my blood pressure readings. The numbers were higher than normal, but I didn’t worry too much, thinking that with a little rest and trying to reduce stress, they would gradually decrease. Although I tried hard to bring them down, the numbers only increased over time, to the point where I called the pharmacy for fear of going to the hospital. I was recommended to contact my doctor as soon as possible.

I was prescribed blood pressure medication which I reluctantly agreed to take. I felt like a failure because I had to take this pill. I felt like I hadn’t taken care of my health by gaining weight and leading a sedentary lifestyle.

I started making small changes, walking every day, paying more attention to what I ate, etc. After a year, I lost about twenty pounds, which allowed me to reduce the amount of medication I needed. I continue to take my medication. My blood pressure is now well controlled and I feel good.