Fondation de la Société québécoise d'hypertension artérielle



About the Foundation

Blood pressure, like electrical voltage, cannot be seen. Yet both exist and can be devastating. It's not for nothing that hypertension is nicknamed the "silent killer". Although it usually has no symptoms, it is partly responsible for almost 30% of deaths in Canada.

For over 30 years, the Société québécoise d'hypertension artérielle (SQHA) has been committed to advancing knowledge in the field of hypertension to help healthcare professionals, patients and the general public prevent and control the disease. Through its fundraising campaign, the SQHA aims to perpetuate its efforts and stimulate innovation in training, information, research and development.

The SQHA Foundation is therefore reaching out to its institutional partners and community to help raise $2 million, or $400,000 a year for 5 years.

These contributions will enable us to achieve our essential goals of prevention, screening and improved control of hypertension.

Essential projects

Healthcare professionals - Specialized training $500 000
Healthcare professionals - Information $300 000
People with hypertension and the general public - Information $100 000
Students and researchers - Excellence scholarships and internships $750 000
Research and development - Structuring initiatives $350 000
TOTAL           $2 M
Identifying people with high blood pressure! 200 000 $
Training the Scientists of Tomorrow! 100 000 $
TOTAL           1,5 M $

Helping SQHA

prevent and control hypertension at every stage of life
Even I, a hypertension specialist, didn't know I was hypertensive.
Mohsen Agharazii, Nephrologist
SQHA President 2022-2024
For over 30 years now, the SQHA has played a key role in developing and promoting research into hypertension and its risk factors. However, there is still a long way to go to achieve better management of hypertension and the development of new pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches.
Supporting the SQHA means helping to prevent and control hypertension, in order to curb the scourge of this “silent killer”.
Avec une approche innovatrice digne du 21e siècle, nous serons en mesure de prévenir et mieux traiter l’hypertension à tous les stades de la vie.
Mohsen Agharazii
Président SQHA